Post-match Interview - Durham Corinthians 3-0 Durham City AFC

Published on 23 January 2023 at 11:24

Post-match Interview

Between Charlotte Patterson and Wayne Gredziak

Charlotte Patterson: It was a tough game today, what do you make of the result and performance from the lads?


Wayne Gredziak: Today we played against a team that sits 5th in the league, yet the game could have quite easily been 2-2 at half time. But, I think Corinthians deserved the win. We competed and the lads should be proud of the performance in what is their 4th game together. I am very proud.



CP: There were some good chances on goal today, particularly where the lads were 1v1 with the keeper. Should we take positives in that they’re getting into the right positions or should we expect more?


WG: We had two clear one on ones and the decision making in them positions was not good enough. We are creating chances each game now and we will be working on shooting this week in training, as i feel we should be doing better. But, as you said, we are getting into the right positions now, so big positives.



CP: Liam Peverley put in a fantastic performance despite the 3-0 scoreline, making some brilliant diving saves and reaction saves. This was his second consecutive game in net, will he be the number 1?


WG: Liam has been excellent in his last two performances and was given Committee Player of the Match on Saturday. We are fortunate to have three very good goalkeepers, who are all as good as each other. It has been unlucky that Dean picked up his injury when he did and also Lewis Rigg has also come in when Liam has hit a rich run of form. But, all three are going to be needed incase of holidays, work or injuries and I am confident all three can make that step into the Number 1 shirt if that happens.




CP: Would he be your player of the match? 


WG: My player of the match was between Liam Peverley and Alex Gudgeon. I have spoken above about Liam, but Alex on his debut was excellent and he will be an asset in us staying up this season.




CP: It was the cliche of a tale of two halves, but the lads definitely performed a lot better in the second 45. What was said in changing rooms?


WG: I don’t think anyone else was to blame for the first half bar me. I compensated for players who were missing by playing a few players in different positions and I didn’t think it worked in theory. It was like putting square pegs into round holes. But, I needed to see if it was attainable, which it wasn’t. I changed them back at half time which is why in the second half we looked a lot more compact and competitive.




CP: We saw a few new faces and names today. Are you happy with where the team is at in terms of additions and depth?


WG: I feel there are a couple of players that I have seen today are not up to the grade I expect and will certainly be adding a few more this week. This means unfortunately letting a few go. It's a learning curve with us having no team when we took over and teams already having their squads established. This was unfortunately going to be the way, trial and error until we get it right.




CP: On paper, Annfield Plain looks like a potentially winnable game and chance for the lads to get their first points. Do you think the lads will be motivated to take something from these upcoming fixtures? 


WG: The lads have been very motivated every game since I have took over as manager and I think our supporters can see that when they have been to watch. But, what this Saturday does offer, is us playing a team that is around us. We have so far played teams who occupied 4th, 5th, 7th and 8th in the league in our first four games. So, this Saturday gives us a chance to play someone who is also battling to stay up, as Annfield plain are only two places above us in the table.




CP: We’re back at home next week for our last game in January. Anything you want to say to the fans?


WG: The players this Saturday would appreciate your support this coming weekend and we are playing a team around us. Hopefully with your support we can push on and pick up our first points of the season. So, please come down to Leyburn Grove and give the players a lift and help us push up the league.

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