Get to know…..Brandon Gredziak

Published on 7 February 2023 at 11:13

This week, we chat to the older of the Gredziak brothers and get to learn a bit more about the defender and occasional midfielder outside of just football. This week, we chat to the younger of the Gredziak brothers and get to learn a bit more about the defender outside of just football. The 20-year-old joined Durham City in November 2023, as part of the new squad rebuild. Linking up with his brother Preston and dad/manager Wayne. Brandon formerly played for Richmond Town and Shildon AFC Reserves. Whilst being on the receiving end of two red cards so far into his Durham career, Brandon's commitment and determination has been clear to see when he plays and undoubtedly gives his all for the team.

How did you get into football?
I started playing when football when I was about 8/9 years old. I used to go and watch my dad (the gaffer) play football and loved it. So, it wasn't long before I asked to play too.


Which football team do you support?
I support Leicester City FC like my dad and brother. I have been a season ticket holder since I was 15.


Who is your favourite football player? Can be past or present

I'd have to say my favourite player was Nemanja Vidić for Manchester United. Mainly because he always wore his heart on his sleeve and didn’t care what anyone had to say about him. Not too mention being a fantastic defender


Favourite football moment? 

My favourite football moment would have to be making my debut for Shildon AFC first team and also making my debut in the Northern League. It was an amazing feeling!


What is your go to song to get you pumped up for match day?

For me, it has to be 'All of the lights' by Kanye west. It is one of the best songs going and always gets me motivated on game day.


Any superstitions or pre-game rituals you have to do?

No, I wouldn't say I have any superstitions or pre-match rituals. I try to turn up with right frame of mind and with the motivation to win and take three points.


What is your favourite food? Can be a meal or cuisine

For me, my favourite meal would have to be a nice tomahawk steak cooked medium rare with chips and peppercorn sauce.


Do you have any other hobbies outside of football? What do you like to do in your downtime?

To be honest, I've never really had any other hobbies or interests besides focusing on football. But, I did used to go running quite often and enjoyed doing it. 


If money wasn’t an issue, where in the world would you choose to go, either on holiday or to live?

I think I'd go to Brazil, just to be in the culture of the country and around the football scene in Brazil would be an amazing feeling. Especially the street football.


If you could play for any football team in the world (that isn’t Durham City of course) who would it be and why?

I'd play for the team I support which is Leicester city. It has and always will be a dream just to play for a team I’ve sat and watched for years, knowing my family were watching would be one of the best feelings in the world and would be a very proud moment.

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