Get to know…..Preston Gredziak

Published on 7 February 2023 at 11:50

This week, we chat to the younger of the Gredziak brothers and get to learn a bit more about the defender outside of just football. The 16-year-old joined Durham City in November 2023, as part of the new squad rebuild. Linking up with his brother Brandon and dad/manager Wayne. Preston formerly played for Richmond Mavericks First Team and has not had too much experience with men's senior football. But, he has performed admirably for someone so young and has featured in every single matchday squad and starting eleven since he joined.

How did you get into football?

I had always had an interest in football from a young age, mainly through watching my dad and brother play. After a while, I wanted to follow in their footsteps and play too.


Who do you support?

The football team I support is Leicester city FC. Me and most of family follow them.


Who is your favourite football player, past or present?

For me, It has to be Captain Wes Morgan. He is just a brilliant player and was huge for Leicester. He's a legend!

Favourite football moment? Can be your own or one you have experienced.

I think it has to be winning Division 2 with my club. It was a great feeling, especially for someone like me just getting into Senior Men's football.


What is your go to song to get you pumped up for match day?

The song which I always go to on match day is 'Take it easy' by Spencer Ramsey.


Any superstitions or pre-game rituals you have to do?

No, I don't have any. At least, not that I'm aware of. I just focus on getting my head down and grabbing three points


What is your favourite food? Can be a meal or cuisine

Oh! It has to be a Sunday dinner! Can't go wrong


Do you have any other hobbies outside of football? What do you like to do in your downtime?

No, not really. I just enjoy watching and playing football myself. If I'm just wanting to chill out, I like putting on a movie or good TV Series.


If money wasn’t an issue, where in the world would you choose to go, either on holiday or to live?

I think it would have to be the Maldives. It just looks like such an amazing and incredible place.


If you could play for any football team in the world (that isn’t Durham City of course) who would it be and why?

Richmond Mavericks first team. It was the club that introduced me to men's senior football and will always have a special place with me for being the first team I played for and of course that feeling of winning the league. 

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