Get to know…..Kaya Bodur

Published on 9 February 2023 at 15:07

This week, we chat to new signing Kaya Bodur and get to learn a bit more about the midfielder outside of just football. The 20-year-old has only just joined Durham City in January 2023, playing in two fixtures and already looking like an excellent acquisition for the Citizens with his pace, tenancity and dribbling ability. Kaya previously played for Durham City a few years back. 

How did you get into football?

It was my family who got me into really. My dad, uncles and granddads all played. I've been playing football since I was old enough to kick a ball. 


Who do you support?

The teams I support are Newcastle United and Galatasaray.


Who is your favourite football player, past or present?

My favourite player has to be Cristiano Ronaldo.


Favourite football moment? Can be your own or one you have experienced.

My favourite football moment has to be watching that Ronaldo bicycle kick against Juventus in the Champions League.


What is your go to song to get you pumped up for match day?

My go to song is Rihanna - We Found Love


Any superstitions or pre-game rituals you have to do?

Normally, I like to be the person to do the kick off where possible and I also tap my right shoe three times.


What is your favourite food? Can be a meal or cuisine

It has to be Bolognese.


Do you have any other hobbies outside of football? What do you like to do in your downtime?

I just enjoy spending time with friends and go to the gym when I can.


If money wasn’t an issue, where in the world would you choose to go, either on holiday or to live?

Hmm, if it was for a holiday I’d have to say Spain. But, I would love to live in Italy.


If you could play for any football team in the world (that isn’t Durham City of course) who would it be and why?

The dream team I would love to play for would be Real Madrid.

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